presented by DVM 360, Sponsored by Elanco Real World Performance of Flea Control Products

Presented by Michael Dryden, DVM, PhD


Fleas have survived for centuries, but veterinarians have never had such powerful tools at their disposal for treatment and prevention.

Flea expert Dr. Michael Dryden
will present:

• Flea development information
• The science and art of eliminating flea infestations
• Results from a new head-to-head study of leading active ingredients tested in field research


Thursday, May 2, 2013
2:00 pm ET
(1:00 pm CT, Noon MT,
11:00 am PT)


Approximately 1 hour
with Q & A

Sponsored by Elanco

Register now for this FREE webcast at
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Call Advanstar Communications for further information, 913-871-3876. Advanstar Communications, RACE provider #209.